Critical Questioning in Chaotic Times

What happens to writers when we shush out the rage and the urgency and craft our pieces to smooth lines of palatable bits? When our goal is to inform, not upset? When we worry: Will the essay be published? Read? Honored? Will I be paid? Is the real story ever written?

Fun Fact: Mystic Trinities nominated for a Pushcart Prize &

shortlisted for ~ the 49th Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction, the 2017 Arts and Letters Prize in Creative Nonfiction, the New South Prize, & the Under the Gum Tree (dis)empowerment contest. In 2020, find Mystic Trinities in print:  Catholic Women Writers: The Future of Unruly Women in the Church series.

Mystic Trinities ~ The Essay

A six-pound, nine-ounce bundle of original sin, I was doomed upon arrival. In my infantile state, I failed to realize the totality of my holy burden. According to the Catholics, I was responsible for the mistakes of Adam and Eve, people I’d never met. Until I was baptized, I risked an eternity in Limbo, and