Critical Questioning in Chaotic Times

What happens to writers when we shush out the rage and the urgency and craft our pieces to smooth lines of palatable bits? When our goal is to inform, not upset? When we worry: Will the essay be published? Read? Honored? Will I be paid? Is the real story ever written?

Articulate Rage

Gravity’s wide palm fights to support my growing burden. Taurus is an earth sign. A stalwart. A constant. Uncompromising. As Earth, I bear witness and carry with me the burden of memory. But my memory is more than a recollection of sweet sixteens, first loves, and pregnancies lost. My memory is not my own. Like

Are We Sitting Ducks?

February 14, 2018, Valentine’s Day. The day 17 Hearts stopped beating. Another bloody day in America, where an allegedly troubled, young, white man shot up a high school with his AR-15.   While Marjory Stoneman Douglas High was terrorized, I attended my fourth-grader’s chorus concert. 150 students and parents tucked into the Central School auditorium